The GCF observer network (“the network”) brings together civil society organizations (CSO), Indigenous Peoples (IP), and local communities’ organizations from both developing and developed countries observing the Green Climate Fund (GCF). Via both virtual and in-person discussions and meetings, the network facilitates collaboration among observers to inform and influence the GCF’s policy and decision-making processes so that the voices of communities impacted by climate change and of CSO, IP, and local communities’ rights-holders in developing countries are integrated into the operational modalities of the Fund.

While the network operates on a principle of inclusiveness, we define civil society organizations as non-State (and non-State affiliated), not-for-profit, and/or voluntary entities that are separate from and independent of the State, and can include both community-based organizations as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Additionally, our network includes Indigenous Peoples and local communities. We acknowledge that CSOs, Indigenous Peoples, and local communities represent a wide range of interests and ties; however, all members of the network agree on common principles and values.